API Asset Details

The full API details page displays everything Panoptica can tell you about any asset in your API inventory. You reach this page by navigating to the API Security tab under Workloads and Data, and selecting any item in the All API Assets table. Click the API name to pop up the high-level overview in a side window. Click Open a Full Details Page at the bottom of the pop-up window to reach the details page of the API you selected.

Click Copy Link to save a URL to this detail view. This is useful for recording the details, or sharing this information with others.

Under API Description, you'll find most of the same information you saw on the pop-up overview window: risk severity, trace source information, port number, specs, when it was observed, etc.

If there is no OpenAPI Specification, click the three dots (•••) to the right of Uploaded Spec to add one.
If there is already an OpenAPI Specification uploaded, click the three dots (•••) to replace it, delete it, or view it in Swagger.

The three sub-tabs below the API Description—Security Findings, Endpoints, Sensitive Data— provide in-depth information regarding the selected API.

Security Findings

The Security Findings sub-tab displays the risks and vulnerabilities Panoptica has identified in the selected API.

  • Click the Filter button to narrow the list according to four parameters:
    • Risk: Critical to Informational
    • Category: Application, API Spec, Authentication, Authorization, Network, System
    • Source: Third Party Scorer, OAS Analyzer, or Trace Analyzer
  • Type a term from a risk name into the Search bar to find a specific risk.
    To clear the search, delete any text in the field and click Search.
  • At the bottom of the screen you can define how many items are displayed on each page, from 5 to 100 lines.

The table displays summary data about each risk identified, including the number of affected elements, the source, and a brief description.

Click on any row in the table to pop up another side window that displays additional information about that risk.

  • Click Copy Link to save a URL to this view. This is useful for recording the details or sharing this information with others.
  • Under Risk Overview, you'll find a more detailed description of the risk cause, as well as a severity ranking and any categories this risk might fall into.
  • Expand Occurrences to find details of every incidence of this finding in the API you're exploring.


The Endpoints sub-tab displays all of the endpoints Panoptica has discovered in the selected API.

  • Click the Filter button to narrow the list according to three parameters:
    • Method: Get, Post, Put, etc.
    • Labels: Sensitive Data, No Authentication
    • Highlight Severity: Critical to Informational
  • Type an endpoint name into the Search bar to find a specific endpoint.
    To clear the search, delete any text in the field and click Search.

The table displays summary data about each endpoint in the selected API, including the path, and labels that might be associated with the each endpoint, and when it was recorded.

Click an endpoint to open the Endpoint Details page.

Endpoint Details

The Endpoint Details screen enables you to dive deeper into the parameters, attributes, access control posture, and security findings of the endpoints in your APIs.

  • Click Copy Link to save a URL to this view. This is useful for recording the details or sharing this information with others.
  • Under Endpoint Description, you'll find essentially the same information you saw in the Endpoints table in the previous screen.
  • The table below provides granular data regarding the endpoint you select. Click the four sub-tabs to view details regarding Request Parameters, Response Attributes, Access Control Posture, and Security Findings.

Sensitive Data

The Sensitive Data sub-tab displays information regarding any personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, IP addresses, etc. that Panoptica has discovered in the selected API.

Note that the sensitive data itself does not appear in Panoptica, only information regarding what type of data was found, where, and when.

  • Click the Filter button to narrow the list according to two parameters:
    • Category: Sensitive Data, No Authentication
    • Pattern Type: System or Custom
  • Type an endpoint name into the Search bar to find a specific endpoint.
    To clear the search, delete any text in the field and click Search.

To learn about how Panoptica helps secure sensitive data in your APIs, see Sensitive Data.